Month: May 2010

  • Multitude Monday: One Thousand Gifts

    I have for several months now been quietly enjoying the beautiful words of Ann Voskamp over at Holy Experience.  She is a gifted writer who speaks to this mama’s heart.  She has inspired me so much that I have decided to join her gratitude community and begin counting 1000 gifts from God for which I am grateful.

    1. the weight my little man’s head on my shoulder as we talk about what he learned today
    2. the happy sound of my little one’s feet upstairs
    3. the heat of fevered skin that says what my little one cannot say, “Mama, I don’t feel well.”
    4. medicine droppers
    5. my strong little man who is willing to hold his brother’s hands while mama dispenses the yucky medicine
    6. tulips in my windowsill
    7. the empty blue shell of a robin’s egg
    8. a cloudless blue sky
    9. the smell of freshly cut grass
    10. the warmth of the sun on my face
    11. small town emergency rooms
    12. friendly, supportive doctors
    13. nature journal scrawled with primitive drawings of the wonders little man saw outside
    14. cuddles and hugs for no reason
    15. little man learning independently
    16. soft quilts stitched together with a grandmother’s love for her grandsons
    17. the convenience of over-the-counter cold medicine
    18. snow on Mother’s Day (“…give thanks in all circumstances…” 1 Thess. 5:18)
    19. my little man wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day
    20. my little one learning to sit and take his medicine like a big boy
    21. blooms in the trees
    22. a finished handwriting assignment
    23. piano music soothing the stresses of the day
    24. requests for mayonnaise sandwiches (yuck! lol) from a little mouth that once could not speak
    25. loving words exchanged with soldier husband on the other side of the world

    holy experience